36 Touch Roadmap to Real Estate Referrals

It's important to stay top-of-mind with your sphere of influence (SOI) and past clients throughout the year and here is your strategic roadmap to keep you on top. This ingenious plan revolves around the principle of consistent, meaningful contact – 36 touches, 36 opportunities to strengthen relationships and generate referrals. And the best part... it's super easy to do as long as you create a system that works for you. 

Each person in your sphere will get the following in a calendar year:

  • Give out 4 Pop-bys (one each quarter)- Not sure what a pop-by is, we've got why to do them article here. For each pop by you give out that is 3 touches.
  1. Text or call to tell them you'll be in the neighborhood
  2. Dropping the pop by at their house
  3. Text to tell them you've dropped something at the door. 
  • Mail 1 Home Anniversary Card- Even if you didn't represent someone in you SOI you can still celebrate another year in their home. And what an impression you will make if you send a Home-iversary Card and the real estate agent that represented them did not?!?!
  • Mail 4ish Birthday Cards- Send everyone in their household a birthday card. You can send a simple card or make it more unique with a $2 Bill for the children and lottery ticket for adults. Or partner with a local ice cream shop and send a voucher for a free ice cream cone for everyone in their family. Then you settle up with the business.
  • Host or Invite SOI to 4 Events or Parties- Parties create prime touches, for each event you do you can get touch someone 2-4 times by following these steps. 
  1. Email a Save the Date to your Sphere of Influence.
  2. Call/Text to invite them and/or get a RSVP.
  3. Text reminder of event. 
  4. See them at the event.
  5. Email/Call/Text to thank them for coming to the event.
  • Social Media- Friend everyone on your socials and comment (not just like) on their posts, as least 1qtr. 
  • Mail Quarterly Market Updates

The final count of touches for each activity is:

  • 12 Pop-bys
  • 1 Home Anniversary Card
  • 4 Birthday Cards
  • 12 Events
  • 4 Social Media 
  • 4 Quarterly Market Updated

You'll notice that there aren't a ton of emails in this 36 touch, limiting the number of emails you send as a real estate agent is essential for maintaining client engagement, respect, and relevance. Email has become more a junk mail spot and your will get more with mailing physical items.

Follow this plan and you will be flooding with referrals and your business will be thriving. As a bonus touch, you should send a referral thank you when someone sends you a referral. Gear Up Real Estate has a ton of Referral Thank You Cards you can choose from! 

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