7 Winter Pop-By Ideas to Warm Your Business Connections

As the winter chill sets in, what better way to warm the hearts of your sphere of influence, past clients, or farm than with thoughtful pop-by? Whether you're a real estate agent, a small business owner, or just looking to spread some seasonal cheer, these winter pop-by ideas are sure to make a lasting impression. Let's dive into seven creative and practical ideas to help you spread warmth during the chilly season.

1. Anything Snow Removal-
Embrace the winter vibes by putting gathering together windshield wiper fluid, ice scrapers, or even hand warmers. Attach a pop by tag note to encourage your recipients to keep you in mind for all their real estate needs while providing tools to snow removal. 

Wiper Fluid- The traditional route... gallon of wiper fluid.

Wiper Fluid Concentrate- Under $.15/e you can afford to give your clients a few months supply. 

Magical Ice Scrapers- Try something a little different for the ice scraper but still reasonably priced at $1/e.

Hand Warmers- Warm them up with hand warmers for under $1/pair.

2. Festive Winter Plants-
Brighten up the winter blues with a succulent plant for your sphere. These small but vibrant plants can add a touch of spirit to any home or office space. Attach a simple care guide to ensure your recipients can enjoy their green companions throughout the winter season.

Succulent Plants- A little on the pricey end at $1.30/e but these plants have lasting power and could stay with your past clients for years to come... depending on their green thumb abilities.

White 2" Plastic Planter- These white mini planters pair perfectly with the succulents. 

Tiny Terracotta Pots- These 2" terracotta plants come in a variety of colors so you could match your business colors! 

3. Scented Candles-
Create a warm and inviting atmosphere this winter with scented candles. Choose scents like cinnamon, vanilla, or pine to evoke the coziness of winter. Package them in decorative bags and include a note wishing your recipients a season filled with warmth and light.

Small Container Candles- At a little under $1/e these candles would make for a sweet pop by for the dark days of winter.

4. Winter Survival Kits-
Assemble small winter survival kits to help your friends or clients brave the cold. Include essentials like lip balm, hand lotion, travel-sized tissues, and a mini hand sanitizer. Package these items in a festive bag or box with a tag that reads, "Stay warm and well-equipped this winter!

Lip Balm- $.25/e, 1oz Lotion- $.96/e, Travel Tissue- $.70/e, Hand Sanitizer- $.79/e, and Emergen-C- $.31/e

If you selected all the items it would be about $3 to re-create the Winter Survival Kits for your clients to be protected all winter long! 

5. DIY Winter Self Care Kits-
Similar to above but focus a little more on self care of your friends or clients by creating DIY winter wellness kits. Include items like sheet masks, shower steamers, eye masks, or a steam eye mask. This thoughtful gesture not only provides comfort but also emphasizes the importance of health during the winter season.

Sheet Masks- Help your clients go to the spa in their own home with these face sheet masks for only $.71/ea.

Shower Steamers- Individually wrapped and in a variety of flavors these one time use shower steamers are $.85/ea.

24K Gold Eye Mask- These go under the eyes and will earn the gold star with your clients for only $.40/pair!

Steam Eye Mask- Pick from many flavors but our favorite for self care is lavender and only 90 cents each! 

All together these DIY Winter Self Care Kits are under $3.00 just pair with a tag and bundle together for a unforgettable gift!

6. Winter Wonderland Baked Goods-
Delight your recipients with a taste of the season by baking winter-themed treats. Chocolate chip cookies, peppermint bark, or puppy chow are sure to bring joy. Package them in festive containers with a warm holiday message.

7. S'Mores Kits for Indoor Campfires-
Bring the joy of a campfire indoors with DIY s'mores kits. Include graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate squares in a decorative package. Add a touch of warmth with a note that says, "Wishing you cozy nights by the 'fire.' Enjoy these indoor s'mores treats!

This winter, spread the warmth and create lasting connections with these thoughtful and practical pop-by ideas. Whether you choose wiper fluid and ice scrapers or self care kits, your gestures will surely be appreciated. Embrace the spirit of the season, and let your thoughtfulness shine through in every pop-by visit. Stay warm, stay connected, and happy winter gifting!

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